Set in a futuristic London, in a world ravaged by war, Walking Barefoot explores the life of Will, past and present. The cocksure eighteen year old who, in a bid to find himself, goes travelling and the city-living adult, who despite his well paid job, upper quadrant apartment and sexy girlfriend, struggles to be happy. When nightmares begin to haunt his sleeping and waking life, Will is unsure whether he is suffering from the illness that killed his father or being led by unseen forces to uncover a city-wide conspiracy. As his paranoia heightens, he must ask himself - is he willing to lose himself to find the truth?
About the Author:
Born in South Africa. Made in Sussex. After an uneventful upbringing, I've found myself in London, trying to make it in the unglamorous world of Television. Writing has always been a part of my life, but discipline and distraction are an issue. My favourite authors are Stephen King, Neil Gaiman, and Douglas Adams, although I don't pretend to possess any of their wit, genius or heart. When not pretending to be an author or TV hotshot, I like country walks, visiting the zoo and sitting in pubs.
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I went into this book totally blind. I know that I must have been interested in reading it, after reading the description, since I requested a copy. I don't remember what it was about, though, and I didn't read the book description again before starting it. Sometimes I love going into books like that though!
I really liked this book, but some things about it bugged me.
The author did a good job with world building, and it was a very unique premise for a story. Some aspects of it almost reminded me of 1984. It sucked me in, but I would have loved for there to be more about Will's travels. I also think it ended very abruptly. I would love for the author to write a sequel and address many of the questions that this book left unanswered.
I really did enjoy reading this book, the end just left me asking questions and wanting more. That could have been the author's intent, but I like getting my questions answered.#1stWorldProblems
Overall, it was a really good book, and I raced through it! I had class during the day all weekend and homework at night, and I still finished it in 3 days.
I will definitely be looking for more books by Grace Coleman, and I definitely recommend this book to anyone who enjoys dystopian books.
I received a copy of this book for free, in exchange for an honest review.
I received a copy of this book for free, in exchange for an honest review.
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